So I hooked up with the Reverend Ed Conklin, PhD at Cassadaga Spiritualist camp. Read more on Dr. Conklin here:
His card was the one I Rekei'd off the shelf. It had a nice warm glow about it. I then checked the "Mediums available today" board, and there he was! I placed a call to him, he picked right up, and in 10 minutes I was standing in his living room. He welcomed me with a hearty handshake, and then escorted me into his reading room, which I was delighted to see was full of American Indian artifacts and other spiritual talismans.
He showed me where there was paper and pen, should I desire to take notes, and then explained to me how his mediumship worked, buy telling me that he hears and sees spirits who wish to commune with the person there for a reading. Without further ado, we began.
The first thing he said was that he had an "older woman" there, someone who could have been a grandmother type figure to me, and someone who had taught me a lot. At first I thought he was talking about Laurel, even though she was only 7 years older than me. But he then said: "Well, she says you're rather under dressed for the occasion! I see stiletto heals and bright red lipstick, and a peaches and cream complexion." Right away I know this is Grandma Nina, Mike's paternal grandmother. I've been trying to connect with her for years, since she died, to no avail.
Ed: "Who is the "R" name?"
Me: "That could be two different people."
Ed: "Which one is the cabbage head? Who doesn't listen to advice, and is lost?" (HER words, not mine:)
Me: "Well, that'd be my son Renn."
Ed: "She was very close to him; loved him very much and she's concerned about his life-path."
(I'm thinking, yeah, so am I!) But I say: "Yes, he's had some rough times, and doesn't seem to know what he wants to do with his life."
Ed: "She says you need to tell him she's not happy with his path, and you need to spend more time with him. He's smart and bright, he lacks direction."
Okay, so thing #1 is dead on.
Ed: "Next I have," pauses, clutching his chest, "Wow, this person! She loved you so much! WOW!"
Me: "Yes, go on."
Ed: "They don't usually do this type of thing..."
Me: "What's she doing?"
Ed: "Putting herself through me."
Me: "I know exactly who that is. That is my friend Laurel, who passed away 10 years ago. She has been channeled twice by two good friends of mine. They both had the same reaction to her that you're having."
Ed: "She loves you so much! She's very excited for you this year. She says that you will find your peace when you've accomplished what you have in store this year. Are you going somewhere?"
Me: "In a manner of speaking."
Ed: "She says you will have success."
Cool beans. Maybe I'll graduate in December after all!
Ed: "Now this next person, okay, what is THAT? Um, all I'm seeing is a pair of dentures going in and out in and out of someone's mouth! And what is that sound??"
Me: "This is my Grandmother Joyce. We used to ask her to flip her dentures in and out for fun when we were kids. (I'm kind of freaking out here, because this is VERY specific...
Ed: "That sound. It's odd, is that her laugh?
Me, making the clucking sound my Grandmother used to make when she was upset with us. "Is that the sound you're hearing?"
Ed: "Yes. Very odd."
Me: "Why is she upset with me?"
Ed: "She is worried you don't take care of yourself."
No shit Grandma. Do you think I might have some stress??! So I tell him to thank her for me, and I promise to try harder to do things for myself (like meditate, vacation, and definitely come back to this totally cool place!!)
Ed: "Now I see two older men, grandpa's perhaps? They have a deer."
Me: "A DEER?"
Ed: "Yes, did someone hunt?"
Me: "Um. Not sure. I know my husband's grandfather Howard fished... not sure about Grandpa Doug."
Ed: "They are showing me a liver."
Me: "!! Like an ORGAN?"
Ed: "Yes, one of them has it in the one hand, and he is holding a deer strung on a pole with the other hand. The two of them have it on a pole between them."
Me: "Weird, okay."
Ed: "Who is MIKE?"
Me: choking on my own spit... "My husband."
Ed: "They are concerned about his recent diagnosis.... does he have liver problems?"
Me: "Yes."
Ed: "They say he will get past this diagnosis, and live a long life."
Me: "Yes, he's always worried he'll die young. Both his Grandpa's died fairly young."
Okay, so that's interesting that they're worried about Mike. I wasn't afraid he would die, but I was concerned about his health problems. Good to know they understand how he feels.
At this point, Ed starts describing a Native American spirit, who is "elbowing his way to the front." Someone who keeps insisting that he's tied to me. I know right away who this jackass is, and I am PISSED! This person proceeded to jack the last 15 minutes of my session, insisting that he be paid a tribute.
Ed: "Ooh, he's a prankster!"
Me: "Tell me about it. Ask the jerk what in the hell it is he wants, because I've been asking him that for years, and he won't tell me."
Ed: "Your friend is jumping up and down."
Me: "That's because I told her about him waking me up at night, staring me in the face. He scared the crap out of me for years.
Ed: "He says he's connected to you."
Me: "There is no Native American in my family; I have researched my genealogy back to the 1600's."
Ed: "He's very insistent that he is tied to you."
Me: "Ask him if he's tied to my property."
Ed: "Tied how?"
Me: "Ask him if he's buried on it," (this has been my suspicion for years.)
So at this point Ed proceeds to ask this guy if indeed he is buried on or near my property. He then describes perfectly the ten acres that bump up to our property from the back side, which are privately owned by the same family, and have been owned by them since 1965.
Ed: "He died in some sort of a fight. He died defending himself on that property."
Me: "Again, ask him what he wants!"
Ed: after some time, "He won't say."
Me: "EXACTLY! I'm totally pissed at him. Tell him that!"
Ed: "I wouldn't advise that. I think he needs your blessings."
He then told me how I could try and send the guy some peace, and love light. I've tried it since, and so far he hasn't shown back up at my house. However, I ran a magazine over to my neighbor, who is highly clairvoyant, and who has channeled Laurel once before, and I casually mentioned my visit to Cassadaga. During the course of this conversation, I find out that Mr. Native American, who has not bothered me for 10 years, and who I thought was long gone after Laurel died, has indeed, not left the area! He's been hanging out at Diane's these past 10 years! Both of her kids have seen him, and she said he was particularly troublesome the last week of December. She was in tears because she was about to call her pastor to come and do an exorcism! She said, amazingly enough, that the past week had been very quiet. This coincided with my sending him out a blessing during my meditation. I encouraged her to do the same thing, and so hopefully this restless spirit will find his leave of this earthly plane!
This is exactly why people say to never discount anything that happens in a reading. I didn't need to hear about my Native American spirit from the past, DIANE DID!! It's very cool when you realize that something is truly real for a reason.
At any rate, other than another hint from Laurel that I would "take the long way home from somewhere distant in June," the reading pretty much finished with Native American jacking the last of my time. If you ever get a chance to go to Cassadaga, partake fully of the coolness there, and maybe try your hand at a reading! Totally worth it.
SO interesting!! My brother-in-law and my father-in-law see spirits frequently and have had numerous experiences with them. I don't. And frankly, I'm glad! Because I think it would freak me out!! :) But how fascinating to read about your experiences at Cassadaga! Thank you for sharing!
ReplyDeleteI'm contemplating visiting Cassadega. Was your reading expensive?